Saturday 22 February 2014

Confessions of a Shopaholic

After reading our last book, Twelve Years a Slave, this was a light easy read. Confessions of a Shopaholic is about the addictive lifestyle of financial journalist, Rebecca Bloomwood. Though we thought her priorities were misdirected (i.e. purchasing shoes instead of paying overdue bills), we  could all connect with her at some point in our lives. Rebecca's identity was connected to her possessions and an image that she could not afford. As a journalist, Rebecca had the financial  knowledge to help others, but lacked the ability to help herself. Some of our group members found this hypocrisy annoying. 

The good thing about this book is that it allowed us to reflect on the important things in life. We all have our weakness (shoes, clothes, food etc.), but when is enough, enough?

Feel free to share your thoughts below!


In 2010, our book club, Women Wine and Word, started out as a brilliant idea from one of our members (we call her the queen). We meet once a month to discuss our books, eat some food, drink a little wine, and have a great time with our friends.

We invite you to check out our monthly blogs, browse through our reading list, or take a peek at our book reviews (FYI- only a few books have received 5/5 wine glasses).

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