Friday 27 December 2013

The Confession

We definitely had a love hate relationship with The Confession, by John Grisham. This book was about capital punishment, karma, racism, and the broken judicial system in America. This legal thriller follows the story of a black man on death row for a murder he didn't commit. When the real killer confesses his crime to a pastor in another state, the plot takes some unexpected twists and turns.
During our book club discussion, we talked about social injustice in the legal system. Though this is a fictitious novel, the situation faced by the wrongly accused has actually been experienced by black people in America for centuries. This book really does make you want to take a good look at social inequalities and capital punishment, whether you agree with it or not because it is clear that are some serious flaws.

In 2010, our book club, Women Wine and Word, started out as a brilliant idea from one of our members (we call her the queen). We meet once a month to discuss our books, eat some food, drink a little wine, and have a great time with our friends.

We invite you to check out our monthly blogs, browse through our reading list, or take a peek at our book reviews (FYI- only a few books have received 5/5 wine glasses).

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